Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Using the AVervision Document Camera with a Smart Board

I'm thinking it is time to get on the stick and start posting again in my blog. Hopefully teachers will find this post helpful in JSD and CSD. As part of our Engaged Classroom plan last year in JSD, every EC teacher in elementary received an 300AF+ AverVision document camera from AverMedia. This past month, several teachers at Crescent Elementary had asked if there was a way for their document camera to be used with their Smart Board. After spending a few hours working with cords and looking on the internet, there is a way!!!!!!! There is software that came with the document camera and that will need to be installed on your computer. There are updated versions of the software that will need to be downloaded. Here is the link for the most recent software update depending on the model you own.
This is the procedure for connecting to an interactive whiteboard.
1. You will need two VGA cables. One VGA needs to be connected from the projector's video input port to the AverVision's VGA out port, which is the blue colored port. The other VGA needs to be connected from the AverVision's VGA in port to the computer's VGA port.
2. A USB cable needs to be connected between the interactive whiteboard and the computer.
3. A separate USB cable needs to be connected between the AverVision and the computer.
4. Turn the AverVision on and make sure you have selected the "PC mode" on the camera. Once this is on, you need to open the AverVision software located in your applications folder. When this has been opened, you should be able to see the image underneath the document camera.
5. Open your tools for the interactive whiteboard, Smart tools in the applications folder if you are using a Smart board, and you are now ready to use the document camera image on your interactive whiteboard.

I did need to use a USB hub in order to have room to plug in my USB cords.

This is a shot of a USB cord connected between the laptop and the Smartboard.


Sallie Warnecke said...

I LOVE this! The pics you provided are an invaluable resource for teachers! You ROCK! :O)

Do We Blog said...

Thanks PJ. As always I am impressed with your determination to find the answers and then even more important, your determination to share your knowledge!